1. Good morning, sir/ma'am. I'll be your caddy today.
• "좋은 아침입니다. 오늘 저는 캐디로서 도와드리겠습니다."
2. I'm here to assist you with your game.
• "게임을 도와드리러 왔습니다."
3. Do you have any specific preferences for today's round?
• "오늘 라운드에 특별한 요청이 있으신가요?"
4. I'll carry your bag and help you select clubs.
• "가방을 들어드리고 클럽 선택을 도와드리겠습니다."
5. Please let me know if you need anything during the round.
• "라운드 중에 필요한 것이 있으시면 말씀해주세요."
6. Would you like me to read the greens for you?
• "그린을 읽어드릴까요?"
7. I'll keep track of your score for you.
• "점수를 기록해드리겠습니다."
8. Would you like any advice on club selection?
• "클럽 선택에 대한 조언이 필요하신가요?"
9. I can help you with your swing if you'd like.
• "스윙을 도와드릴 수 있습니다."
10. I'll make sure to keep your clubs clean.
• "클럽을 깨끗하게 유지하겠습니다."
11. I'll mark your ball on the green.
• "그린에서 공을 표시해드리겠습니다."
12. Do you have any questions about the course?
• "코스에 관해 궁금한 점이 있으신가요?"
13. I'll keep an eye out for any hazards.
• "위험한 것에 대해 주의하겠습니다."
14. I'll help you with your stance and alignment.
• "자세와 정렬을 도와드리겠습니다."
15. I'll make sure to replace divots as we go.
• "우리가 가는 길에 디보트를 교체하겠습니다."
16. Would you like me to clean your clubs after each shot?
• "한 번씩 클럽을 깨끗하게 닦아드릴까요?"
17. I'll carry a towel to clean your ball.
• "공을 닦기 위해 수건을 들고 다닐 것입니다."
18. I'll help you with your putting if you'd like.
• "퍼팅을 도와드릴 수 있습니다."
19. I'll help you with your chipping and pitching.
• "칩핑과 피칭을 도와드리겠습니다."
20. I'll carry an umbrella in case it rains.
• "비가 올 경우를 대비해 우산을 들고 다닐 것입니다."
21. I'll make sure to keep you hydrated.
• "수분 섭취에 신경쓰겠습니다."
22. I'll help you with your bunker shots.
• "벙커 샷을 도와드리겠습니다."
23. I'll make sure to keep your bag organized.
• "가방을 정리하겠습니다."
24. I'll help you with your strategy for each hole.
• "각 홀에 대한 전략을 도와드리겠습니다."
25. I'll make sure to repair ball marks on the green.
• "그린에서 공의 흔적을 고치겠습니다."
26. I'll help you with your grip if you'd like.
• "그립을 도와드릴 수 있습니다."
27. I'll make sure to replace rakes in the bunkers.
• "벙커에서 갈고리를 교체하겠습니다."
28. I'll help you with your swing tempo.
• "스윙 템포를 도와드리겠습니다."
29. I'll make sure to keep your bag out of the way.
• "가방을 길에서 비켜놓겠습니다."
30. I'll help you with your pre-shot routine.
• "스윙 전 루틴을 도와드리겠습니다."
31. I'll make sure to replace flagsticks properly.
• "깃대를 올바르게 교체하겠습니다."
32. I'll help you with your balance and weight transfer.
• "균형과 체중 이동을 도와드리겠습니다."
33. I'll make sure to keep track of the pace of play.
• "경기 속도를 추적하겠습니다."
34. I'll help you with your ball position.
• "공의 위치를 도와드리겠습니다."
35. I'll make sure to keep your bag zipped up.
• "가방을 잘 닫아놓겠습니다."
36. I'll help you with your alignment.
• "정렬을 도와드리겠습니다."
37. I'll make sure to keep your bag on the correct side of the green.
• "그린의 올바른 측면에 가방을 두겠습니다."
38. I'll help you with your posture.
• "자세를 도와드리겠습니다."
39. I'll make sure to keep your bag off the tee box.
• "티 박스에서 가방을 떼놓겠습니다."
40. I'll help you with your swing plane.
• "스윙 플레인을 도와드리겠습니다."
41. I'll make sure to keep your bag off the putting green.
• "퍼팅 그린에서 가방을 떼놓겠습니다."
42. I'll help you with your ball flight.
• "공의 비행을 도와드리겠습니다."
43. I'll make sure to keep your bag on the cart path.
• "카트 경로에서 가방을 떼놓겠습니다."
44. I'll help you with your distance control.
• "거리 제어를 도와드리겠습니다."
45. I'll make sure to keep your bag out of the bunkers.
• "벙커에서 가방을 떼놓겠습니다."
46. I'll help you with your trajectory.
• "궤적을 도와드리겠습니다."
47. I'll make sure to keep your bag out of the water hazards.
• "물 장애물에서 가방을 떼놓겠습니다."
48. I'll help you with your shot selection.
• "샷 선택을 도와드리겠습니다."
49. I'll make sure to keep your bag off the fairways.
• "페어웨이에서 가방을 떼놓겠습니다."
50. I'll help you with your course management.
• "코스 관리를 도와드리겠습니다."
골프장갑 왼손\
여성골프 바람막이 경량패딩
라코스테 골프 스커트
혼마 남성용뉴베레스 4스타 아이언 9종세트
핑 풀세트
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